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International Tourism Boosts Costa del Sol’s Hotel Industry

The latest tourism report from Turismo Costa del Sol, based on INE data, reveals a strong start to 2024. For the first time, all tourist accommodation except holiday rentals, but particularly hotels, exceeded 14 million stays in the first six months.

This marks a significant growth, with 1.1 million more stays compared to the same period in 2023—a 9% increase. Notably, this period includes the quieter months of January and February and an unusually wet Easter.

This growth is largely driven by international tourists, with nights booked by foreign visitors increasing by 13.4%. This trend shows the Costa del Sol is becoming a year-round destination. Improved flight connections during the low season have played a key role in this development.

In contrast, domestic tourism to the Costa del Sol has declined. There were 2% fewer Spanish visitors and a 4% drop in overnight stays. June was particularly tough, with a sharp decrease in domestic bookings. Despite this, international tourism continues to flourish, helping offset the domestic downturn.

International tourists generated 1.2 million more overnight stays in the first six months compared to the same period in 2023. This highlights the Costa del Sol’s growing appeal to overseas visitors.

Hotels are main beneficiaries of tourism growth

Hotels have been the main beneficiaries of this growth, accounting for 10 million of the 14 million total stays. This milestone was achieved despite a 3% drop in overnight stays by Spanish tourists.

The average length of stay has increased to 3.28 days, and occupancy rates are nearing 60%, up by 2.3%. This success has also led to job creation, with nearly 900 more hotel workers employed than last year.

Coastal areas fare better than inland

Inland areas of the Costa del Sol haven’t fared as well, with a 31% drop in arrivals and a 56% decline in domestic tourism. However, the overall strength of international tourism has kept the coastal region thriving. Between January and June, 444 new companies were created, generating 8,262 jobs—a 5.5% increase.

June continued this positive trend, with international tourists making up 63% of visitors. Key markets include the UK, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. Italy and Belgium saw over 20% growth, while arrivals from Poland increased by 50%.

This surge in international visitors has solidified the Costa del Sol’s position as Spain’s second most popular seaside destination, just behind Mallorca. The continued growth in international tourism is a positive sign for hoteliers, ensuring the region remains a top choice for global travellers.

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